NewsPartnersVacancy 2 candidates for a Professional Doctorate (PD) in the arts 0,6 – 1,0 fte Would you like to do doctoral research in which your artistic or creative practice is…Karoly22 May 2024
NewsPartners Ties van de Werff new lecturer What Art Knows Dr. Ties van de Werff will be the new lecturer of the What Art Knows…Karoly7 September 2023
NewsPartners Research centre AOK changes name to: research centre What Art Knows Research centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere (known as AOK) will change its…Karoly27 October 2022
EventsPartners MERIAN invites partners to a workshop on artistic research How do we assess artistic research? How do examiners come to a constructive dialogue about evaluation?…Karoly19 October 2022
EventsPartners MERIAN offers “Writing Differently” workshops to MUSTS researchers On 5 October 2022, members of MERIAN (Maastricht Experimental Research In and through the Arts…Karoly19 October 2022