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Marlies Vermeulen is a member of AOK and a MERIAN PhD Candidate. She writes:

Even though artistic research argues that borders between research, practice and other fields are less rigid than is often thought, I often find myself defining them: “This is part of my PhD project, this is not. This is a ‘real’ project and that is teaching.” Meanwhile, my practice tells a different story. How relevant is it to artificially unravel different parts if such a definition does not reflect how artistic research practices work? And, how does this integral approach reflect on the engagement of artistic research in different contexts, audiences, realities? How important is this approach for its viability? And, what does such a practice look like?

I will explain briefly the integrality and self-sufficiency of my own artistic research practice, the Institute of Cartopology and elaborate on the challenges I encounter. We have the pleasure of having Veerle Spronck, associate lector from the HKU Research Center Creative Practices and Entrepreneurship and Leonie Clement, artistic director of Festival Cement to think along with us. Afterwards I am very interested in your thoughts on this. How serious do we take artistic research practice itself and what does that take?

Looking forward to seeing you on 17 February 2022 15:00 – 17:00, Herdenkingsplein 12, Maastricht, room 0.10