Phantom Limb: some people bring their bodies
at SYSTEMA* (31.8—3.9’23)
Palais Carli, 1 Pl. Auguste et François Carli, 13006 Marseille, France
The group exhibition Phantom Limb: some people bring their bodies exposes Marwan, our collective artist-run project space’s structural body: a growing body of limbs and parts that make up the infrastructure that Marwan consists of, materially;
a collection of people holding up the makings of the space: those who do photography, invigilation, curation, policy-making, cleaning, grant-writing, programming, etc.— and continuously shapeshift between — makers, next to their practices and work within Marwan as well.
With: Anllel Maria Tanús Guillén, Dieuwertje Hehewerth, Karin Iturralde Nurnberg, Lorenza Wistuba, Tim Mathijsen, Tirza Kater, Valentina Curandi & Isabelle Sully.
*SYSTEMA is a consortium of international and non-profit art initiatives taking place annually in Marseille. It is a celebration of the many forms of independence the invited projects are bringing along presenting get-together installations in historical venues of Marseille’s center, taking place in Palais Carli, former Palais des Artes, and the current conservatory. Additionally, it functions as an opportunity for project spaces to test new environments and modes of public programming.SYSTEMA takes place during ART-O-RAMA.
SYSTEMA is supported by Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, INSEAMM, Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régionnal Pierre Barbizet, Région Sud Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, and Ville de Marseille.
Marwan would not be able to be what it currently is without its community or without AKINCI gallery.
Marwan during the opening of Living Room (3.6 – 2.7’23) a group show choreographed by Karin Iturralde Nurnberg